Being a person that enjoys whiskey, I had to read Alysa Wegelin’s book! I was not sure what to expect as I began the journey through the “messed up life of this young girl” that arrived in Long Beach, California (a well-known area to me). I liked that the writing makes it easy for me to picture the scenes, especially because I have a hard time imagining.
I enjoyed reading as the character grew as a person and how.... No spoilers, so you’ll need to read to the end to know what happened.
Alysa is a truly inspiring person—full of ideas and observations that get my own cre- ative juices flowing every time I am around them. Their wit, and zest for making content, the energy they bring into projects is one of my favorite things about them. They bring people together, and their eye for design is undeniable. Creativity is all around and through them, and it is so awesome to behold!
Alysa writes blunt truths with a unique and inviting style. Even when they are bring- ing up topics that people generally avoid thinking or talking about, they do it in such a way as to invite the reader to join them on their journey. Their writing is engaging, and their storytelling not only makes the situations interesting but also relatable, whether or not the reader specifically identifies with the character or situation. Their inclusion of living with mental health issues in their writing makes their novels poi- gnant for today and an important read for young adults struggling to make it through their own battles. Although a lot of the topics Alysa covers are not widely discussed, they are common issues that a lot of people deal with on a daily basis, and they do so in a way that makes you feel as though you are not alone, that some- one else understands the struggles that you are going through, and that it’s okay to laugh and get through it one step at a time. Their works will continue to be relevant for years to come.
I’m so lucky to have been able to call Alysa my friend and creative collaborator for 15 years! They see the world in an incredibly unique way and that’s reflected in every page of their writing. From the early days of producing ten-minute plays to becoming a published novelist, Alysa has so much to say and knows exactly the way we all need to hear it.
Our life paths may have not been the same as Michelle’s in Whiskey Moth, but we all know
that type of person, and many of us have been that person at times in our lives. Messy, brave, self-destructive, and honestly very entertaining to watch when you don’t have to pick up the pieces yourself. A.M. Wegelin tells a story about navi- gating the beginnings of adulthood that somehow manages to be unique while also deeply familiar.
Some people aspire to be writers, some people go to school to learn how to become a writer, and some people (well you know) they are just natural born writers. A gift from who knows where, a gift Alysa obviously has. Alysa sees and paints her stories in plain English that is always engaging and dripping in honest detail. Speaking the truth in vulnerability is not for the faint of heart or those weak in courage. Alysa must not be a victim of either, for they seem to swim through it effortlessly. Here's one fan that will anxiously be awaiting their next outing.
This book is wonderfully written. It gives a thoughtful and honest vision of bipolar disorder, mental health, and depression. It also rewards you with quick wit and memorable writing; you want to stick with Holly, rooting for her recovery. This is a book that definitely sticks with you.